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Grief and Coping

Grief is a very normal and common emotion that is often misunderstood and kept isolated. In an attempt to normalize grief and the grieving process, UFHR Wellness partnered with Taylor Williams, UF adjunct professor and founder of Gainesville Guts and Glory, to offer this workshop.

It is possible to have more empathic and meaningful conversations about various forms of loss in the workplace. But this begins by normalizing this emotion and the experience. Grief can vary by individual and experience but it is exceptionally common right now. It can be caused by a loss of a loved one, loss of health, loss of identity, time, certainty, safety, etc.

Even though it is a common experience, most people remain unaware, or unable to identify the emotion. In addition to working through identifying grief and the grieving process, this workshop also covers coping mechanisms and offers some suggestions and resources.

Click here to watch the workshop.