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New faculty orientation goes virtual

Faculty member wearing mask working at computerUF will welcome more than 400 new faculty this fall. To provide information about available resources and services, UFHR partnered with the Center for Teaching Excellence to create an online version of New Faculty Orientation hosted via Canvas, which will be available as a resource for faculty now and as new faculty are hired throughout the academic year.

Beginning next week, new faculty may also attend a series of synchronous Zoom information sessions. A schedule of events as well as information on preparing for their arrival at UF as well as their first days, first weeks, and beyond may be found on the UFHR’s Welcome to UF website.

Departments are also encouraged to visit the UFHR website for onboarding resources to assist with welcoming new faculty as well as information about the COVID-19 screening process for new hires.

Published: August 21st, 2020

Category: News