Higher Education Opportunity scholarship applications due Nov. 1
Created in 2003, the Higher Education Opportunity, or HEO, program provides tuition assistance for an undergraduate education at the University of Florida to children of full-time TEAMS employees in the form of a scholarship. In March 2022, UFHR will randomly select up to 150 TEAMS employees from a pool of eligible applicants to participate in the HEO. The deadline to submit an application is Nov. 1, 2021.
Read on to learn more about the HEO and how to submit an application: https://news.hr.ufl.edu/worklife/higher-education-opportunity-scholarship-applications-due-nov-1/.
You can also learn more about the HEO and how it helped the families of two UF employees in this spotlight: https://news.hr.ufl.edu/education/heo-provides-children-of-teams-staff-access-to-a-college-degree/.