Interested in participating in a virtual primary election candidate forum?

The League of Women Voters of Alachua County and the Bob Graham Center for Public Service will host a virtual primary election candidate forum on Sunday, June 26, at 1:30 p.m. Candidates will present their platforms and answer questions about relevant local issues. Click here to register for the forum.
Coming full circle: Debra Anderson’s journey at the University of Florida

From waiting to be let into her office to finally having a key to the building, Debra Anderson’s journey at UF spans 26 years and is influenced by the dedicated staff she met along the way as well as her drive to create a support unit for UF’s international students. The former director of UF’s […]
City of Gainesville to host Freedom Fest

On Saturday, June 18, the City of Gainesville will host its first Freedom Fest in celebration of the time period of Emancipation Day to Juneteenth. Open to the public, this family-friendly event will include musical performances from local and regional artists, food trucks, local vendors, arts and crafts for children and more. Juneteenth celebrations are being held […]
Join the Florida MGV Book Club

The Florida Master Gardener Volunteer, or MGV, program invites you to join its book club. Throughout the summer, members will read The Scent of Scandal by Craig Pittman and regularly meet to discuss the book. In August, members will also have the opportunity to meet the author. Visit the UF/IFAS Gardening Solutions website to learn […]
Survey aims to assess faculty and staff well-being at UF and nationwide

Last week, UF faculty, staff and graduate assistants received an email from the American College Health Association (ACHA) with an invitation to complete the National Faculty and Staff Health Assessment (ACHA-NFSHA). This national research study is designed to help establish health standards for universities throughout the nation, including at the University of Florida. Data gathered […]
UF will recognize Juneteenth as paid holiday beginning in 2023

Beginning in 2023, Juneteenth National Independence Day — better known as Juneteenth — will be a paid holiday for eligible UF faculty and staff. Recognized as a federal holiday in 2021, Juneteenth is the oldest nationally recognized commemoration of the end of slavery in the United States and is celebrated on June 19. June 19 […]
Congratulations to our first UF at Play photo contest winners!

Thank you to everyone who has submitted photos to our UF at Play summer photo contest to date. The contest continues to run through Aug. 18, and we’ll be drawing at random two lucky winners each month. You can check out the images submitted thus far in our photo album. Congratulations to our first two winners, […]
Celebrate Men’s Health Month

Did you know men die at higher rates than women from 9 of the top 10 causes of death? June is Men’s Health Month, and in recognition, we’ve put together some mental health resources, a self-paced fitness challenge and more. You can also check out GatorCare’s Men’s Health Awareness page, which includes resources to help you and the men […]
Hurricane season is here — keep current to stay current

With hurricane season just around the corner, please keep in mind the resources available to support you in case of a tropical storm. Learn more about the university’s emergency plans and create your own plan to ensure you’ve taken necessary precautions. Read this UF at Work article to learn more.
Meet with a Fidelity representative on the UF campus

UF faculty and staff located in Gainesville can now get financial advice from expert Fidelity consultants right on campus. Beginning June 1, UF’s Fidelity representatives will have offices located in the 720 Office Plaza in Gainesville’s Innovation District. Faculty and staff can go online to schedule a one-on-one in-person appointment with a Fidelity consultant. Virtual […]